Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Mock Examination Summary

Lukas family was worried because… he was missing and William said that the last he saw Lukas was at the corner of the house. Malie said that the same thing happened to her aunt and Flip Lourens and no tracks could be found. Everybody assumed the bigfeet killed him. The fog was clearing and they started the search. They made a big fire so if the child wakes up, he will follow the glow. The fog cleared, Sofie's husband left to tell the nearest forester about the missing child. By midday, woodcutters and the constable were in the search. However in the evening he said that the child could no longer be alive. The number of people searching for the child increased. In the end, Martiens accepted the fact of the child’s death. Seven months later, the forester came to tell him that part of a skeleton which belongs to a child was discovered on the driftwood.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Singapore Flyer

When I was first told that we were going to the Singapore Flyer to do our project, I was thinking what questions we would be asked on. I had also anticipated fear as I thought the flight was scary because I was afraid of heights and I could not overcome it since young. Some of my classmates had acrophobia, agoraphobia and claustrophobia. When we were going to board the Flyer, I felt that I had butterflies in my stomach and at the same time excited as I could have a bird eye’s view of Singapore.

The venue was surrounded by the sea and tall buildings were built around it. Many Singapore attractions were surrounding the Singapore Flyer and they were spectacular. They could be seen when we reached the top of the Flyer. Some of the attractions are, Marina Barrage, Merlion Park, the Esplanade and many more. Although it was a hazy vision, some of us saw the Marina Bay Sands Resort and it was actually the very first Integrated Resort built in Singapore and we stared in wonderment.

My experiences were that when I was on the Flyer, I did not feel that it was moving and I enjoyed the ride. I saw many magnificent structures and had a breathe-taking view of Singapore. During the flight, I was filled with excitement and anxiety as I was afraid of heights, fearing that I might fall as I was look down. As I looked down I saw people walking, and they looked small to me as I was at the top of the Flyer. I could also hear the cacophony of students’ chatter. My expectations were met as I got to see many Singapore attractions spot although it was a hazy vision.

While on the capsule, my classmate was mischievous and she pretended to be afraid of heights and did not dare to look down and she started hugging the chair. All of us were having a joyous moment and we were enjoying ourselves. We also took pictures of the scenery or even taking photos with one another so as to remember how much fun we had on the Flyer together.

On hindsight, I feel that this trip was worth going as it may improve our relationships with our classmates and we get to see superb engineering feat. It was an exhilarating ride too. Therefore, I recommend people to come visit the Singapore Flyer as it is also one of the Singapore Attractions and you get to see almost all of the attractions by just taking the Flyer which makes it more convenient for the tourists. [435 words]

Hatred - Draft 6

Dead bodies could be seen everywhere, houses were wrecked and destroyed. The surroundings were covered with blood and remains of the wrecked buildings. People were grieving over their deceased relatives. Gunshots and the cries of people could be heard from the villages where the Sinhalese lived. It was in the mid of 1976 after the Tamil United Liberation Front was formed and it started a civil war between the Sinhalese army and the Tamil Tigers.

Velupillai, a 14 year old teenager, inspired to be a Government Official when he grows up. In 1948, after Sri Lanka (Ceylon) had gained its independence, the Sinhalese Government issued a Ceylon Citizen Act denying the citizenships of the Indian Tamils. Thus, 1 million Tamils were left stateless overnight. They are the Tamils whom left India to work in Sri Lanka before it has gained its independence. Many Tamils including Velupillai’s parents tried to apply for the citizenship but to no avail and it was stated that only parents whom was born in Sri Lanka could apply for the citizenship. However, the Tamils did not give up applying for the citizenship.

Two years later, the Government issued a Resettlement Policy. Leaving the Tamils outnumbered by the Sinhalese living around them. Hence, all of them including Velupillai and his parents went to stay in Jaffna where most of the Tamils lived. Velupillai studied hard hoping he could get into University. Finally, after years of hard work Velupillai managed to get into University and studied the course he wanted. During the years in University, he studied hard and managed to get A’s for all of his subjects.

“Yes! This is my last year of University!” shouted Velupillai excitedly as he jumps up and down in his room, “After I graduate, I’ll want to apply to be a Government Official!”

“Well, you’ll still have to study hard and maintain your grades.” his father responded calmly as he put his hands on Velupillai’s shoulder.

Velupillai looked into his father’s eyes and replied seriously, “I will father, and I’ll make sure that you will be proud of me.”

“We’ll see about that after you get your results,” father responded as he walks away.

However, at the last year of his studies in University, 1956, the Sinhalese Government issued an Official Language Act stating that only Sinhala (Sinhalese Language) could only be used in schools instead of English. After Velupillai heard the news, he was filled with disappointment as he wanted to work as a Government Official so that he could improve the lives of the Tamils and giving them equal rights as the Sinhalese. In the end, Velupillai did not manage to pass his examinations. Velupillai’s eyes were filled with anger and disappointment, tears was rolling down his cheeks uncontrollably. Therefore, Velupillai could only find jobs which only require little education. 4 years later, Velupillai got married and had a son with his Sinhalese wife. Velupillai wished and hoped that his son could study in University in the future.

Years past and in 1972, the Sinhalese Government had issue a new university admission criteria stating that the Tamils had to score higher in order to get into University while the Sinhalese could score lower than the Tamils. In the end, Rajaa, Velupillai’s son did not make it to University. Therefore, the Tamils went to seek for the Government and said they wanted either independence or equal rights. However, the Sinhalese Government refused to do so. The Tamils were unhappy with the Sinhalese and they wanted revenge!

With much anger and hatred in Velupillai, he formed the Tamil United Liberation Front also known as the ‘Tamil Tigers’ in 1976. A civil war started between the Sinhalese and the Tamils. The Tamil Tigers were fighting against the Sinhalese’s military troupe. However, Velupillai’s wife still stayed together with him. In the civil war many innocent people had died or received severe injuries. Suddenly, a gunshot was heard.

“Attack!” shouted one of the Tamil Tigers as he points towards the Sinhalese army.

[668 words]

Hatred - Draft 5

Dead bodies could be seen everywhere, houses were wrecked and destroyed. The surroundings were covered with blood and remains of the wrecked buildings. People were grieving over their deceased relatives. Gunshots and the cries of people could be heard from the villages where the Sinhalese lived. It was in the mid of 1976 after the Tamil United Liberation Front was formed and it started a civil war between the Sinhalese army and the Tamil Tigers.

Velupillai, a 14 year old teenager, inspired to be a Government Official when he grows up. In 1948, after Sri Lanka (Ceylon) had gained its independence, the Sinhalese Government issued a Ceylon Citizen Act denying the citizenships of the Indian Tamils. Thus, 1 million Tamils were left stateless overnight. They are the Tamils whom left India to work in Sri Lanka before it has gained its independence. Many Tamils including Velupillai’s parents tried to apply for the citizenship but to no avail and it was stated that only parents whom was born in Sri Lanka could apply for the citizenship. However, the Tamils did not give up applying for the citizenship.

Two years later, the Government issued a Resettlement Policy. Leaving the Tamils outnumbered by the Sinhalese living around them. Hence, all of them including Velupillai and his parents went to stay in Jaffna where most of the Tamils lived. Velupillai studied hard hoping he could get into University. Finally, after years of hard work Velupillai managed to get into University and studied the course he wanted. During the years in University, he studied hard and managed to get A’s for all of his subjects.

“Yes! This is my last year of University!” shouted Velupillai excitedly as he jumps up and down in his room, “After I graduate, I’ll want to apply to be a Government Official!”

“Well, you’ll still have to study hard and maintain your grades Velupillai.” his father responded calmly as he put his hands on Velupillai’s shoulder.

Velupillai looked into his father’s eyes and replied seriously, “I will father, and I’ll make sure that you will be proud of me.”

“We’ll see about that after you get your results,” responded his father as he walks away.

However, at the last year of his studies in University, 1956, the Sinhalese Government issued an Official Language Act stating that only Sinhala (Sinhalese Language) could only be used in schools instead of English. After Velupillai heard the news, he was filled with hatred and anger as he wanted to work as a Government Official so that he could improve the lives of the Tamils and giving them equal rights as the Sinhalese. In the end, Velupillai did not manage to pass his examinations. Velupillai’s eyes were filled with anger and disappointment, tears was rolling down his cheeks uncontrollably. Therefore, Velupillai could only find jobs which only require little education. 4 years later, Velupillai got married and had a son with his Sinhalese wife. Velupillai wished and hoped that his son could study in University in the future.

Years past and in 1972, the Sinhalese Government had issue a new university admission criteria stating that the Tamils had to score higher in order to get into University while the Sinhalese could score lower than the Tamils. In the end, Rajaa, Velupillai’s son did not make it to University. Therefore, the Tamils went to seek for the Government and said they wanted either independence or equal rights. However, the Sinhalese Government refused to do so. The Tamils were unhappy with the Sinhalese and they wanted revenge!

With much anger and hatred in Velupillai, he formed the Tamil United Liberation Front also known as the ‘Tamil Tigers’ in 1976. A civil war started between the Sinhalese and the Tamils. The Tamil Tigers were fighting against the Sinhalese’s military troupe. Many innocent people had died or received severe injuries. Houses, buildings and Temples were destroyed and dead bodies were lying everywhere. Suddenly, a gunshot was heard.

“Attack!” shouted one of the Tamil Tigers as he points towards the Sinhalese army.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Draft 4 - Hatred ( History Narrative )

Dead bodies could be seen everywhere, houses were wrecked and destroyed. The surroundings were covered with blood and remains of the wrecked buildings. People were grieving over their deceased relatives. Gunshots and the cries of people could be heard from the villages where the Sinhalese lived. It was in the mid of 1976 after the Tamil United Liberation Front was formed and it started a civil war between the Sinhalese army and the Tamil Tigers.

Velupillai, a 14 year old teenager, inspires to be a Government Official when he grows up. In 1948, after Sri Lanka (Ceylon) had gained its independence, the Sinhalese Government issued a Ceylon Citizen Act denying the citizenships of the Indian Tamils. Thus, 1 million Tamils were left stateless as they had left India to work in Sri Lanka before it has gained its independence. Many Tamils including Velupillai’s parents tried to apply for the citizenship but to no avail and it was stated that only parents whom was born in Sri Lanka could apply for the citizenship. However, the Tamils did not give up applying for the citizenship.

Two years later, the Government issued a Resettlement Policy. Leaving the Tamils outnumbered by the Sinhalese living around them. Hence, all of them including Velupillai and his parents went to stay in Jaffna where most of the Tamils lived. Velupillai studied hard hoping he could get into University and graduate and work as a Government Official. Finally, after years of hard work Velupillai manage to get into University and studied the course he wanted. During the years in University, he studied hard and managed to get A’s for all of his subjects.

“Yes! This is my last year of University!” shouted Velupillai excitedly as he jumps up and down in his room, “After I graduate, I’ll want to apply to be a Government Official!”

“Well, you’ll still have to study hard and maintain your grades Velupillai.” his father responded calmly as he put his hands on Velupillai’s shoulder.

Velupillai looked into his father’s eyes and replied seriously, “I will father, and I’ll make sure that you will be proud of me.”

“We’ll see about that after you get your results,” laughed father.

However, at the last year of his studies in University, 1956, the Sinhalese Government issued an Official Language Act stating that only Sinhala (Sinhalese Language) could only be used in schools instead of English. After Velupillai heard the news, he was filled with hatred and anger as he wanted to work as a Government Official so that he could improve the lives of the Tamils and giving them equal rights as the Sinhalese. In the end, Velupillai did not manage to pass his examinations. Velupillai’s eyes were filled with anger and disappointment, tears was rolling down his cheeks uncontrollably. Therefore, Velupillai could only find jobs which only require little education. 4 years later, Velupillai got married and had a son with his wife. Velupillai wished and hope his son could study in University.

Years past and in 1972, the Sinhalese Government had issue a new university admission criteria stating that the Tamils had to score higher in order to get into University while the Sinhalese could score lower than the Tamils. In the end, Rajaa, Velupillai’s son did not make it to University. Therefore, the Tamils went to seek for the Government and said they wanted either independence or equal rights. But the Sinhalese Government refused to do so. The Tamils were unhappy with the Sinhalese and they wanted revenge!

With much anger and hatred in Velupillai, he formed the Tamil United Liberation Front also known as the ‘Tamil Tigers’ in 1976. Then a civil war started. The Tamil Tigers were fighting against the Sinhalese’s military troupe. Many innocent people had died or received severe injuries. Houses, buildings and Temples were destroyed and dead bodies were lying everywhere. The economy suffered a great impact such as tourism, loss in investment and many more were affected.

“Attack!” shouted one of the Tamil Tigers as he points towards the Sinhalese army.

Draft 3 - History Narrative (Hatred)

Dead bodies could be seen everywhere, houses were wrecked and destroyed. The surroundings were covered with blood and remains of the wrecked buildings. People were grieving over their deceased relatives. Gunshots and the cries of people could be heard from the villages where the Sinhalese lived. It was in the mid of 1976 after the Tamil United Liberation Front was formed and it started a civil war between the Sinhalese army and the Tamil Tigers.

Velupillai, a 14 year old teenager, inspires to be a Government Official when he grows up. In 1948, after Sri Lanka (Ceylon) had gained its independence, the Sinhalese Government issued a Ceylon Citizen Act denying the citizenships of the Indian Tamils. Thus, 1 million Tamils were left stateless as they had left India to work in Sri Lanka before it has gained its independence. Many Tamils including Velupillai’s parents tried to apply for the citizenship but to no avail and it was stated that only parents whom was born in Sri Lanka could apply for the citizenship. However, the Tamils did not give up applying for the citizenship.

Two years later, the Government issued a Resettlement Policy. Leaving the Tamils outnumbered by the Sinhalese living around them. Hence, all of them including Velupillai and his parents went to stay in Jaffna where most of the Tamils lived. Velupillai studied hard hoping he could get into University and graduate and work as a Government Official. Finally, after years of hard work Velupillai manage to get into University and studied the course he wanted. During the years in University, he studied hard and managed to get A’s for all of his subjects.

“Yes! This is my last year of University!” shouted Velupillai excitedly as he jumps up and down in his room, “After I graduate, I’ll want to apply to be a Government Official!”

“Well, you’ll still have to study hard and maintain your grades Velupillai.” his father responded calmly as he put his hands on Velupillai’s shoulder.

Velupillai looked into his father’s eyes and replied seriously, “I will father, and I’ll make sure that you will be proud of me.”

However, at the last year of his studies in University, 1956, the Sinhalese Government issued an Official Language Act stating that only Sinhala (Sinhalese Language) could only be used in schools instead of English. After Velupillai heard the news, he was filled with hatred and anger as he wanted to work as a Government Official so that he could improve the lives of the Tamils and giving them equal rights as the Sinhalese. In the end, Velupillai did not manage to pass his examinations. Velupillai’s eyes were filled with anger and disappointment, tears was rolling down his cheeks uncontrollably. Therefore, Velupillai could only find jobs which only require little education. 4 years later, Velupillai got married and had a son with his wife. Velupillai wished and hope his son could study in University.

Years past and in 1972, the Sinhalese Government had issue a new university admission criteria stating that the Tamils had to score higher in order to get into University while the Sinhalese could score lower than the Tamils. In the end, Rajaa, Velupillai’s son did not make it to University. Therefore, the Tamils went to seek for the Government and said they wanted either independence or equal rights. But the Sinhalese Government refused to do so. The Tamils were unhappy with the Sinhalese and they wanted revenge!

With much anger and hatred in Velupillai, he formed the Tamil United Liberation Front also known as the ‘Tamil Tigers’ in 1976. Then a civil war started. The Tamil Tigers were fighting against the Sinhalese’s military troupe. Many innocent people had died or received severe injuries. Houses, buildings and Temples were destroyed and dead bodies were lying everywhere. There was also a great impact on the economy such as tourism, loss in investment and many more.

“Attack!” shouted one of the Tamil Tigers.

Draft 2 - Sri Lanka History Narrative

Dead bodies could be seen everywhere, houses were wrecked and destroyed. The surroundings were covered with blood and remains of the wrecked buildings. People were grieving over their deceased relatives. Gunshots and the cries of people could be heard from the villages where the Sinhalese lived. It was in the mid of 1976 after the Tamil United Liberation Front was formed and it started a civil war between the Sinhalese army and the Tamil Tigers.

Velupillai, a 14 year old teenager, inspires to be a Government Official when he grows up. In 1948, after Sri Lanka (Ceylon) had gained its independence, the Sinhalese Government issued a Ceylon Citizen Act denying the citizenships of the Indian Tamils. Thus, 1 million Tamils were left stateless as they had left India to work in Sri Lanka for a long period of time. Many Tamils including Velupillai’s parents tried to apply for the citizenship but to no avail and it was stated that only parents whom was born in Sri Lanka could apply for the citizenship.

Two years later, the Government issued a Resettlement Policy. Leaving the Tamils outnumbered by the Sinhalese living around them. Hence, they went to stay in Jaffna where most of the Tamils lived. Velupillai studied hard hoping he could get into University and graduate and work as a Government Official. Finally, after years of hard work Velupillai manage to get into University. He studied hard and managed to get A’s for all of his subjects.

“Yes! This is my last year of University and I can apply to be a Government Official after I graduate!” shouted Velupillai.

“Congrats my boy, you had worked hard and you deserve it,” said his father.

However, at the last year of his studies in University, 1956, the Sinhalese Government issued an Official Language Act stating that only Sinhala could only be used in schools instead of English. After Velupillai heard the news, he was filled with hatred and anger as he wanted to work as a Government Official so he could improve the lives of the Tamils and giving them equal rights as the Sinhalese. At the end, Velupillai did not manage to pass his examinations therefore; he could only find jobs which only require little education. 4 years later, Velupillai got married and had a son with his wife. Velupillai wanted his son to study in University.

Years past and in 1972, the Sinhalese Government had issue a new university admission criteria stating that the Tamils had to score higher in order to get into University while the Sinhalese could score lower than the Tamils. In the end, Rajaa, Velupillai’s son did not make it to University. Therefore, the Tamils went to seek for the Government and said they wanted Independence. But the Sinhalese Government refused to do so. The Tamils were unhappy with the Sinhalese and they wanted revenge!

With much anger and hatred in Velupillai, he formed the Tamil United Liberation Front also known as the ‘Tamil Tigers’ in 1976. Then a civil war started. The Tamil Tigers were fighting against the Sinhalese’s military troupe. Many innocent people had died or received severe injuries. Houses, buildings and Temples were destroyed and dead bodies were lying everywhere.

“Attack!” shouted one of the Tamil Tigers.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hatred - Draft 1

Dead bodies could be seen everywhere, houses were wrecked and destroyed. The surroundings were covered with blood and remains of the wrecked buildings. Many people were grieving over their deceased relatives which had died. Gunshots could be heard from the villages where the Sinhalese lived. It was in the mid of 1976 after the Tamil United Liberation Front was formed and it started a civil war between the Sinhalese and the Tamils.

Velupillai a 14 year old teenager, inspired to be a Government Official when he grows up. In 1948, after Sri Lanka (Ceylon) had gained its independence, the Sinhalese Government issued a Ceylon Citizen Act denying the citizenships of the Indian Tamils. Thus, 1 million Tamils were left stateless as they had left India to work in Sri Lanka for a long period of time. Many Tamils including Velupillai’s parents tried to apply for the citizenship but to no avail.

Two years later, the Government issued a Resettlement Policy. Leaving the Tamils outnumbered by the Sinhalese living around them. Hence, they went to stay in Jaffna where most of the Tamils lived. Velupillai studied hard hoping he could get into University and graduate and work as a Government Official. Finally, after years of hard work Velupillai manage to get into University. He studied hard and managed to get A’s for all of his subjects.

“Yes! This is my last year of University and I can apply to be a Government Official after I graduate!” shouted Velupillai.

“Congrats my boy, you had worked hard and you deserve it,” said his father.

However, at the last year of his studies in University, 1956, the Sinhalese Government issued an Official Language Act stating that only Sinhala could only be used in schools instead of English. After Velupillai heard the news, he was filled with hatred and anger as he wanted to work as a Government Official so he could improve the lives of the Tamils and giving them equal rights as the Sinhalese. At the end, Velupillai did not manage to pass his examinations therefore; he could only find jobs which only require little education. 4 years later, Velupillai got married and had a son with his wife. Velupillai wanted his son to study in University.

Years past and in 1972, the Sinhalese Government had issue a new university admission criteria stating that the Tamils had to score higher in order to get into University while the Sinhalese could score lower than the Tamils. In the end, Rajaa, Velupillai’s son did not make it to University. Therefore, the Tamils went to seek for the Government and said they wanted Independence. But the Sinhalese Government refused to do so. The Tamils were unhappy with the Sinhalese and they wanted revenge!

With much anger and hatred in Velupillai, he formed the Tamil United Liberation Front also known as the ‘Tamil Tigers’ in 1976. Then a civil war started. The Tamil Tigers were fighting against the Sinhalese’s military troupe. Many innocent people had died or received severe injuries. Houses, buildings and Temples were destroyed and dead bodies were lying everywhere.

Are the Tamils going to gain their independence? When will this civil war end?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Summary 2

Hurricane Katrina had the most devastating impact on Louisiana where its barrier islands had suffered heavy losses, resulting to island chains such as Chandeleur Islands to scarcely exist. The island plays an important part in protecting coastal communities from natural disasters, damages would be worst without them. Now most of the islands are reduced to sandbars with acres of marshes washed out and both freshwater and saltwater marshes have been completely blown out by Hurricane Katrina. Therefore, it is unlikely for vegetation to grow back as they disappear and their remains turn an unhealthy shade. Fishermen and state agencies report that Katrina dramatically affects the local sea harvest and the officials estimate that two-third of the oysters might be destroyed. As a result of the catastrophe, US had to import oysters from other countries to increase their supply. As a result, people dependant on the oyster industry found themselves unemployed and unsettle.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Future thoughts about career

I choose Accounting because I feel that it is interesting to deal with numbers. As more people offer a job for accounting, there is a higher percentage of getting a job as an accountant than any other. Being an accountant can help you in the future as you may need accounting skills to see how much you earn or lost in a business and how would it benefit you. When doing accounting there is an accounting equation. Asset = Liabilities + Owner's Equity. Goods are called Purchases and the goods you sold are called sales. There is also a Double Entry, Journal so that you could see clearly how to calculate. But make sure that both of the accounts debit and credit balance.

Information on Job

The career that I am going to choose is being a Accountant. Here are some details. 

Accountancy[1] or accounting is the system of recording, verifying, and reporting of the value of assets, liabilities, income, and expenses in the books of account (ledger) to which debit and credit entries (recognizing transactions) are chronologically posted to record changes in value (see bookkeeping). Such financial information is primarily used by lendersmanagers,investorstax authorities and other decision makers to make resource allocation decisions between and within companiesorganizations, and public agencies. Accounting has been defined by the AICPA as " The art of recording, classifying, and summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events which are, in part at least, of financial character, and interpreting the results thereof." [2]

The word Accountant is derived from the French "Compter' which took its origin from the Latin "Computare". As a proof of its derivation the word was formerly written in English "Accomptant", but in process of time the word which was always pronounced by dropping the "p" became gradually changed both in pronunciation and in orthography to its present form. From the word Accountant the term Accountancy is derived.[3]

Financial accounting is "a major branch of accounting involving the collection, recording and extraction of financial information, and the summary of it in the form of a periodic profit and loss account, a balance sheet and a cash flow statement in accordance with legal, professional, and capital market requirements"[4]. By contrast management accounting information is used within an organization and is usually confidential and accessible only to a small group, mostly decision-makers. Open-book Accounting aims to improve accounting transparency.Tax Accounting is the accounting needed to comply with jurisdictional tax regulations. Accounting scholarship is the academic discipline which studies the theory of accountancy.

The related, but separate financial audit comprises internal and external audit. External audit - carried out by independent auditors - examines the financial statements and accounting records in order to express an opinion as to the truth and fairness and adherence to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), or International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRS). Internal audit aims at providing information for management usage, and is typically carried out by employees.

Hobbies & Interest

During my free time, i would have some hobbies. For example, I would draw, listen to music, design clothes, read books, create blog skins and play computer games. I have many likes and dislikes too. I like to listen to music, play the piano and i love mathematics! For what i dislike, I don't have any yet. I feel that school life is fun and interesting as you may learn a lot of things from your friends and not anything that can be found in books. Although lessons may be boring, we still need to study to improve ourselves and create a better future in our career.