Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Summary 2

Hurricane Katrina had the most devastating impact on Louisiana where its barrier islands had suffered heavy losses, resulting to island chains such as Chandeleur Islands to scarcely exist. The island plays an important part in protecting coastal communities from natural disasters, damages would be worst without them. Now most of the islands are reduced to sandbars with acres of marshes washed out and both freshwater and saltwater marshes have been completely blown out by Hurricane Katrina. Therefore, it is unlikely for vegetation to grow back as they disappear and their remains turn an unhealthy shade. Fishermen and state agencies report that Katrina dramatically affects the local sea harvest and the officials estimate that two-third of the oysters might be destroyed. As a result of the catastrophe, US had to import oysters from other countries to increase their supply. As a result, people dependant on the oyster industry found themselves unemployed and unsettle.

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