Monday, April 19, 2010

International Friendship Day

The objectives we learn during the International Friendship day are the YOG values of Excellence, Friendship and Respect. There are also Twinning schools programme at the end of the year so that students could understand the importance of establishing friendly and beneficial relationships in an increasingly connected world. It also teaches us to be aware and connected to the global landscape while feeling and acting for Singapore.

What do the values of Excellence, Friendship and Respect mean to you?

Excellence: Excellence means doing the best that you can at all times.
Friendship: Making friends with people of different races is the key to peace and harmony.
Respect: Respect is not confined to respect for those in authority. Respect for peers and self-respect are equally important.

How have these values helped Singapore transform itself from Third World to First?

In Singapore, we work very hard. This is an example for others to follow. We excel because we respect others. We build bonds as a nation and are willing to learn from other countries, respecting their values of sharing what we have.

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