Friday, April 30, 2010

Summary Package 2

The rediscovery of the Shang began with Malaria. That at least, is the legend. Describe what are oracle bones, how they were discovered, how they were used and their significance. [25m]


Your summary, which must be in continuous writing (not note form) must not be longer than 160 words, including the 10 words given below.

Begin your summary as follows:

The rediscovery of the Shang began with the discovery of …

The rediscovery of the Shang began with the discovery of oracle bones which were turtle or cattle scapulas. They were inscribed with strange characters that resembled written Chinese. Inscriptions on the bones are about the events of national significance. Oracle bones are used to make a statement about the future and were discovered by Wang Yirong’s family when they bought turtle plastrons to make traditional Chinese medicine. Wang Yirong became the first major collector of the inscribed shells. The oracle bones were discovered at Xiaotun and they were used to verify whether the event would occur. They were carefully cleaned and treated and thinned by drilling notches into the back and a hot object was applied until the surface cracked. King’s interpretation of the cracks was carved into the object with the original divination statement. The significance of the oracle bones proved that people who appear in traditional historical texts exist and that the ancient tales were more than myth.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Secondary 4/5 - Our World

How can you be a good ambassador of Singapore?
When we go overseas for a tour, we must respect the country's culture and religion and the people. When we are overseas, we should be friendly towards the people and make friends with them. When studying aboard, we should excel in our studies to show excellence.

Why do countries form alliances and can you name some examples of international alliances?
The aims of forming alliances between countries include the acceleration of economic growth, social progress, cultural development among its members, the protection of the peace and stability of the region, and to provide opportunities for member countries to discuss differences peacefully.

Examples of international alliances:
- Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
- European Union (EU)
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
- Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
- United Nations (UN)
- World Trade Organization (WTO)

What are some merits of fostering close ties with other countries?
Preventing a war from happening and to provide opportunities for member countries to discuss differences peacefully.

What are some of the things that unite nations and bring them together?
The acceleration of economic growth, social progress, cultural development among its members, the protection of the peace and stability of the region.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Total Defence Day

What is Total Defence?
Total Defence is about the different things that we can do everyday in every sector of our society to strengthen our resilience as a nation. When we take National Service seriously, participate in civil emergency exercises, upgrade our skills, build strong bonds with different races and religions, and feel the pride of being Singaporean, we contribute to Total Defence.

What are the 5 key aspects?
The Total Defence concept encompasses five key aspects:
- Military Defence
- Civil Defence
- Economic Defence
- Social Defence
- Psychological Defence
Focuses on the need for each Singaporean to play his or her part to defend the nation.

What activities did we have?
- Fire Drill
- Trail
- Food and ater rationing
- Performances by different races

International Friendship Day

The objectives we learn during the International Friendship day are the YOG values of Excellence, Friendship and Respect. There are also Twinning schools programme at the end of the year so that students could understand the importance of establishing friendly and beneficial relationships in an increasingly connected world. It also teaches us to be aware and connected to the global landscape while feeling and acting for Singapore.

What do the values of Excellence, Friendship and Respect mean to you?

Excellence: Excellence means doing the best that you can at all times.
Friendship: Making friends with people of different races is the key to peace and harmony.
Respect: Respect is not confined to respect for those in authority. Respect for peers and self-respect are equally important.

How have these values helped Singapore transform itself from Third World to First?

In Singapore, we work very hard. This is an example for others to follow. We excel because we respect others. We build bonds as a nation and are willing to learn from other countries, respecting their values of sharing what we have.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Summary Package 1

Write an account of what is reality television, explain its popularity and its future
prospects. (25m)


Your summary, which must be in continuous writing (not note form) must not be longer than 150 words, excluding the 10 words given below.

Begin your summary as follows:

Reality television, dominating the tube right now, is about the …

Reality television, dominating the tube right now, is about the real behavior of people getting insulted or humiliated. These shows are cheap to produce and actors are paid highly. These programmes seem much more familiar. This is why reality shows are everywhere, exposing something personal. People are nosy in nature. These shows erase the boundaries between the public and the private. Reality shows are like sports. They are unreal yet surprising at times. Producers of the shows create ideas to attract more people into watching and embarrassment or disappointment is part of the process. Key moments are obviously staged and this could be a new way to tell a story. Thus, it will be a masterpiece of the form. The history of television is nothing if not a series of graveyards of popular forms of programming that eventually went bankrupt. In time, producers will be forced to add gimmicks, until they eventually go completely over the top resulting in losing their viewers and advertisers.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


14. From Passage A:

Using your own words as far as possible, summarise the ways in which technology has brought disadvantages and advantages to people’s working lives and behavour.


Your summary, which must be in continuous writing (not note form), must not be longer than 150 words, (not counting the words given to help you begin.)

Begin your summary as follows:

Modern technology has affected our lives so much that we …


Modern technology has affected our lives so much that we

People seem to be in a rush, and increasingly impatient. The obsession with saving time results in many people trying to imitate computers in an effort to handle several tasks simultaneously – multi-tasking, as it is called. Frequently, the efficiency of their work suffers. Speed of thinking, too, is often confused with intelligence itself. We are so accustomed to constant activity that we find it difficult to sit and do nothing or even just one thing at a time. The motor-car has been blamed for its polluting effects and its demand for more and more roads, but it has banished the time-consuming and uncomfortable journeys endure in horse-drawn vehicles.

There was a time when come people’s lives were devoted to simply to the cultivation of the land or the care of cattle. Their lives proceeded at a much gentler pace, and in a familiar pattern. There is much that we might envy about a way of life like this. Yet before we do so, we must think of the hard tasks our ancestors faced: they farmed with bare hands, often lived close to hunger, and had to fashion tools from wood and stone. Modern machinery has freed people from that primitive existence. Technology has also made work in factories far less tedious, with machines performing the dull, repetitive tasks previously carried out by human hands. The computer, too, has brought major advantages in printing processes. No longer has each individual letter of every word to be set by hand in wooden blocks, ready for the printing press to ‘read’. Such is the speed of a computer printer that an author can put the finishing touches to a book and see it printed on the same day.